Jessy Widmer, Transportation Supervisor
357 Sunset Boulevard, Wadsworth, OH 44281
Office Direct Line: 330-335-1328
Office Fax 330-334-0310
Transportation Clerk
Kim Weick
OFFICE HOURSSchool Year: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PMSummer: 7:00 AM-3:30 PM*If Wadsworth City Schools is not in session, the Transportation Department will operate summer hours* |
Wadsworth City Schools runs a fleet of 31 buses, with 44 Bus Routes, and 12 Special Needs Van Routes, covering 30 square miles daily. We provide transportation services to all 8 Wadsworth City School buildings, Sacred Heart, Northside Christian Academy, Windfall Schools, The Leap Program, Evolve, Medina ESC Alternative School, and The Rise Academy. In a school year we transport over 700 athletic trips, fine arts trips, classroom field trips, and more!
2024-2025 School Year
Students Living Less than I mile from School of Attendance
If you live in a "walk-zone" and would like to request transportation for your student for the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out the form linked below. This is not a guarantee of transportation, we always do our best to fulfill all requests. We will make a determination by late September 2024, and if we are able to fulfill the request we will reach out to you via phone and email. This form must be completed each school year.
Less than 1 mile waitlist
Shared Parenting/Guardianship
If you have a shared parenting/guardianship agreement in place and need to have bus routes for both parties, please fill out the Shared Parent/Guardianship form.
Northside Christian Academy and Sacred Heart Families
Wadsworth City Schools provides transportation to and from Northside Christian Academy and Sacred Heart. If you would like to sign up for a bus route, please fill out the form linked below.
Sacred Heart & Northside Christian Academy
Request for Transportation to Non-Public and Charter Schools
For students who attend chartered nonpublic or community schools other than Sacred Heart or Northside Christian Academy, a request for transportation may be requested at the link below.
Non-public Request for Transportation
Bus Stop Change Request
*Please note, this form is only to ask for a bus stop relocation, not changing where your student boards the bus*
If you would like to request we move the location of an existing bus stop, please fill out this form.
Transportation - Other than Residence
If you need to use a Bear Cub Academy, Babysitter/Daycare service for your child, please update the Transportation section of Final Forms for your student, and selection "yes" for the question "Does your child require transportation to an address other than home". This must be completed prior to bus stop approval (please note any changes in Transportation could take up to 3 days).
Have you Moved?
Please submit two (2) proof of residency to your child's school office that they attend. No bus stop changes will be approved until the Transportation Office receive notification from the school and then it could take up to 3 days to make the change).
The Wadsworth City Schools Transportation Department uses a communication tool, StopFinder.
StopFinder is the easy to use, all-in-one app that allows you to have the most accurate information about your student’s bus schedule at anytime from anywhere. In addition to displaying your student’s transportation information, StopFinder features a private messaging feature that will allow you to communicate directly with the Wadsworth City Schools Transportation Department. You can also create GeoAlerts for your student, which will notify you when the bus has arrived in or departed from any location on your student’s route, including their assigned bus stop and school. GeoAlert Alert Zones can be created for individual students allowing you to customize the Alert Zone based on their bus route.
Here is a link to a quick video that explains how Stopfinder works: https:// videos/NF- StopfinderAppGeoAlerts.mp4
If you need assistance in enrollment, please reach out to Jessica Widmer,
Riding Different buses than Assigned
The District recognizes there are emergency circumstances that require students to ride a bus other than their normal bus. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the safety of all students:
A note from the parent/guardian should be sent to the building principal requesting that the child/children be transported to a friend's/relative's home.
The note must state the reasons for the request, timeframe and specify where the parent/guardian can be reached in case a need arises.
This note should be presented to the building principal in the morning for his/her signature.
The above-signed note must be presented to the bus driver by the student before the child can be transported. (Please note: we do not transport students to job sites.)
*Please note emergency situations do not include play dates, school projects, or sporting events. These types of situations would not be considered an emergency circumstance that would warrant a chance to ride a different bus than normally assigned.