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Instruction and Professional Development

The Department of Instruction is responsible for the PreK-12 curriculum, classroom instruction, student assessment, standards-based report cards, and professional development.


Eric Jackson

Director of Instruction and Professional Development
Telephone: 330-335-1315

Jeff Marini 

Technology Integration Specialist
Telephone: 330-335-1440

Elizabeth Davis

Technology Integration Specialist

Kristen Beddow

Administrative Assistant
Telephone: 330-335-1315

Kristen Rodkey

Coordinator of Testing, Assessment, and Data
Telephone: 330-335-1315

Linda McCann

EMIS Cordinator

Kelly Gleason 

3rd Grade Teacher/District Literacy Coach 
Telephone: 330-335-1440

Elizabeth Petit

1st Grade Teacher/District Literacy Coach 
Telephone: 330-335-1440

Stephine Schmeltzer 

2nd Grade Teacher/District Literacy Coach
Telephone: 330-335-1440


The Ohio Department of Education periodically adopts educational standards and assessments that are implemented in Ohio school districts.  Current Ohio standards can be found here:
Standards are guidelines that describe what students should know and be able to do in each content area by the end of a school year.  School districts then adopt curriculum that best meets the needs of the district in meeting the standards.  WCS works with educators within particular content areas to select print and technology resources that best meet the needs of our students.  Typically, this is a lengthy study process where teachers and administrators look at many different materials and go through a process of selecting materials for an adoption.  All content areas are reviewed so that materials are assessed in recurrent cycles to ensure they still meet the needs of the district and of the students and to ensure students and teachers have up-to-date materials.

Classroom Instruction

Quality instruction is critical to improving the academic performance, achievement, and social well-being of the school district's diverse student population.  The Dept. of Instruction develops, implements, monitors and supports all classroom instructional initiatives.  The department organizes text adoption processes that ensure a rigorous examination of materials for potential adoption that are aligned to standards and that are determined to best meet the needs of WCS students.

Student Assessment

Assessment is an important part of a student's educational program. Teachers assess in class in order to determine what a student knows and what they still need to learn.  Assessment guides the instruction in classroom.  
In addition to classroom instruction, WCS students participate in the Ohio State Testing Program.  Beginning in the third grade, students participate in assessments in math, English language arts, social studies and science.  More about the Ohio assessment program can be found here:
Data from these assessments are regularly analyzed at the district and school level in order to guide professional development as well as instruction. 
WCS students take part in assessments that help teachers determine whether they are on track to meet the requirements of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.  The TGRG requires that all third grade students are reading at a third grade level before moving on to the fourth grade.  The district gives a fall and spring administration of the Ohio State Test in English Language Arts in third grade for this purpose as well as the MAP assessment, which the Ohio Department of Education accepts as an alternate test.  Each fall from kindergarten to third grade students are assessed to see if they are on track.  If it is determined that a student is not on track, a Reading Intervention Monitoring Plan (RIMP) is developed that outlines specific interventions for the student to help get him/her on track.  More about the Third Grade Reading Guarantee can be found here:
At the second and fourth grade, the district gives the CogAT and IOWA tests for determining whether students are eligible for gifted identification and services.  The state sets strict criteria as to what scores produce gifted designations.  The CogAT is an ability test and the IOWA is an achievement test.  More on gifted education can be found on the ODE website:
Additionally, high school students participate in the PSAT, SAT and ACT. These are college entrance tests.

Professional Development

In addition to providing a rigorous curriculum and quality instruction, this department makes available to staff many opportunities for professional development.  Throughout the year, federal and state grants are used to support programs, provide workshops and create initiatives for teachers to investigate best practices and learn new strategies to enhance their instructional skills. The Director of Instruction is a member of the Professional Development Committee, which plans the two professional development days in the district.
Professional Development Days can be found on the Wadsworth City Schools Calendar 2024-25.  

Local Professional Development Committee

The Director of Instruction is a member of the Local Professional Development Committee, a committee which oversees the license renewal process for our certified staff members.  Meetings are held monthly at 3:45 p.m. virtually. 
*All submissions are due by 4:00 p.m. the day before the committee meets.

LPDC 2024-25 Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, September 11th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, October 9th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, November 13th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, December 11th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, January 8th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, February 12th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, March 12th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, April 9th ~ 3:45 pm

Wednesday, May 14th ~ 3:45 pm